Sunday 5 January 2014

The World's Biggest Dog

The first time we saw George, our beloved Great Dane, he was no more than a tiny, cowering ball of fuzzy fur. 
As my wife Christie opened the door of the crate he’d travelled in, he teetered to a standing position and looked out at us, moving his head slowly from side to side, taking in the wonder of it all. 
Finally, as if weighing us up and deciding we were acceptable, he tentatively pushed his little nose forward and gave Christie her first lick.
Man's biggest friend: Devoted owner Dave Nasser with George, the world's biggest dog

A doggone miracle: George the Great Dane with the Nasser's daughter Annabel at home in ArizonaMagnificent: George measures more than 7ft from nose to tail and weighs 18st
Paws for thought: George's giant feet dwarf Dave's hand
With size comes problems: George the giant barely fits in the back of his owner's SUV

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