Friday 17 January 2014

Bamanga Tukur Speaks After Resignation, Advises PDP Members

Bamanga Tukur, who finally resigned as the National Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, yesterday advised members of the party to consistently pursue good governance as this is a basis for retaining the peoples trust and confidence.
Speaking during the 63rd National Executive Committee, NEC, of the party which was also his last official engagement as National Chairman of the party, Tukur called on PDP members to imbibe the mission and vision of the founding fathers of the party. He said this is necessary to regain the party’s fading glory.
According to Tukur, a decline in the nationwide support of the PDP is to be expected. He therefore advised members of the party to prepare to and make the necessary sacrifice required to grow the party, adding that the PDP as a ruling party must take its leading position seriously, and it is only by upholding internal democracy, transparency, fairness, and probity in all its dealings; as well as delivering good governance and service that impacts positively on the life of the people that the ruling party can reinvent itself.
“PDP has performed and the prospect for the party remains good, while current challenges are surmountable. We must constantly strive to fulfill our manifesto on the basis to which our mandate to govern derives, and on that we shall be judged,” he said.
He also warned that the seats being occupied by lawmakers in the legislature belong to political parties, not the individuals occupying them.
He however advised members of the party to avoid unnecessary disagreements and conflicts which will eventually affect the party and expressed his gratefulness for the opportunity to have served as to have served as the chairman of the party.

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