Sunday 5 January 2014



God Has a Plan
Some people take the truth that God has ordained our days to an extreme, which can lead them not to take responsibility for their actions. But in the bible we see that God clearly allows free will as part of His plan for our lives. God wants us to embrace the truth that He has a plan for us and seek to discover what it is.

Discover God’s Plan
Once we recognise that God has a plan for our lives, we need to start with the basics, which is developing disciplines that will help us live for God.
First, we need to make mercy and truth part of our nature. MERCY in this context may also be rendered LOVE. In this sense, it is merciful love directed toward others that is shown by helping those in need, forgiving those who offend us and sympathising with those who are troubled. TRUTH here suggests faithfulness showing integrity both in word and deed.
Secondly, we must develop a trust in God that acknowledges that His ways are better than our ways.

Living According to Gods plan  we make ourselves God’body and  mind - focus becomes christcentered life leads to trouble free days of following Gods will enjoying his abundant  blessings  and never having to face struggles.

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