Thursday 2 January 2014

5 Signs that you are about to have a Heart Attack

  1. Do you know that it is possible to have a heart attack and not feel any pains in your chest? Heart failure varies depending on people, and this is especially true for women.

    A heart attack is medically called a myocardial infarction and it occurs when blood clots in the heart and blocks the effective flow of blood to the muscles of the heart. There are several things that can lead to a heart attack and they include heredity, age, high cholesterol, poor diet, and high blood pressure, too much consumption of alcohol, physical inactivity and stress.

    You can help yourself by recognizing the potential of a future heart attack before it happens. Here are seven indicators that show that a heart attack is on the way:

    Fatigue and Shortness of Breath

    Tiredness and a shortness of breath are your body’s way of telling you that you need rest. However, they could also mean a sign of heart trouble, as a result of your heart having to use more energy than usual in pumping your blood. If you feel tired or start gasping for breath over minor exertions, it could be a sign that something’s wrong.

    Fatigue and shortness of breath are symptoms more common for women, and they usually show up months before a heart attack.

    Sweating every time

    If you aren’t exercising or exerting yourself and find yourself sweating most of the time, it could be an early indicator of heart attack. It takes more effort for your heart to pump blood through clogged arteries and your body shows this evidence by giving off sweat.

    If you are experiencing night sweats, cold sweats or clammy skin, it may be time to go see your doctor.

    Indigestion, Nausea and Vomiting

    Most times, before a heart attack, people begin to experience mild indigestion and other stomach-related problems, but because this is usually what happens to older people, it is easy to ignore this warning sign of heart attack.

    If you have a strong stomach naturally but find that you are recently often the victim of indigestion or a heart burn, you need to see a doctor.

    Chest Pain

    Chest pain does not happen during every heart attack, but they are the more common and easily recognized of symptoms. This is because chest tightness is an obvious sign of heart attack. If you feel like you have a heavy weight on your chest, you should call 911 immediately.

    Other bodily pains

    Sometimes the pain manifests itself in other parts of your body. Some of the more common body parts that experience pain in anticipation of a heart attack include:

    · The left arm

    · Back

    · Teeth or jaw

    · Shoulder

    · Throat

    · Upper abdomen

    What to do during a heart attack

    If you think you are having a heart attack, you or someone close to you should call the hospital immediately. It is important for you to get to a hospital as soon as possible.

    If you have been having previous heart troubles and have consulted with your doctor before, follow your doctor’s instructions. Taking something as simple as aspirin can help prevent the blood clot from getting worse.

    If you can get treated a few hours after the blockage, you stand a chance of coming out of it with as little damage as possible.

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