Saturday 28 December 2013

BOKO HARAM: We Attacked Bama Barracks, Would Have Eaten Enemies If Allah Allowed (VIDEO)

Abubakar Shekau, leader of the dreaded Boko Haram terrorist sect, has claimed responsibility for the December 20 raid on a Bama military barracks in Borno State.
In the most recent video, Shekau said, "Our fighters stormed the Bama barracks," while seated on a mat and flanked by a group of armed men.
"This is a victory from Allah," he said, and claimed to have destroyed "21 armoured tanks," killed "multitudes" in the deadly attack.
According to the Nigerian military data, 50 terrorists, 15 soldiers and 5 civilians were killed during the December 20 attack. Also, an unknown number of civilians were killed and four villages destroyed during the military response.
In the video, Shekau said none of his followers would betray him for money reward placed on his head: "What is 50 million naira? We do not worship money. As for those who are in our midst, Allah has taken care of them," he said.
He also said, his men would have eaten their enemies, but Allah forbids cannibalism.
Shekau was recognized as a global terrorist by the United States. American officials  put a $7 million bounty on his head. On its part, Nigeria has separately offered 50 million naira for information leading to his capture or death.

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